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Fossil Ridge Public Library belongs to the PrairieCat online catalog administered by the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). Our PrairieCat membership provides Fossil Ridge Public Library cardholders with access to more materials and more account features.
Can't find an item at Fossil Ridge Public Library?
If you need an item Fossil Ridge Public Library doesn’t own, we will try to get it for you from another library. Fossil Ridge patrons in good standing can request an ILL (Interlibrary Loan). Please be aware of the following:
- Waiting periods are typically longer than for holds placed within the PrairieCat system.
- The checkout period is at the discretion of the lending library and may vary.
- For Renewals you must contact the Circulation Department (815) 458-2187.
- Must be 18 or older to request an ILL.
Need help requesting an interlibrary loan? Call the Circulation Department at (815) 458-2187, or visit the Circulation front desk in person, or follow the instructions below!